Luke 18:27 -“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Man can never see or believe he can do the impossible through the eyes of his own understanding. Yet when man and the Spirit of God agree, all the power that has been held up for him appears and possesses his mind. Things that seemed to be impossible become the normal possibilities. He is no longer carnal, but supernatural. He has now become that which is in heaven upon the earth. He has become what heaven has been praying for – “The New Man.” Once he has put his hands to this plow, he will no longer look back. Nothing will be able to stop him. He will create a heavenly path for the Lord, people and in his own life. He will leave a trail of signs and wonders, sprouting up behind him for others to follow. Jesus showed man this mysterious path by coming and mirroring back man’s true identity that had been preordained in the heavens before the foundations of the world. It’s time for the era of the mind God and the ending of the mind of the “old man.” Come back to your true self!