Isaiah 35:3-4 Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted,”Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, With the recompense of God; He will come and save you.”
There are days in the life of man where his walk on the road of life seems to become discouraging and weak, making his mind think as though He cannot make it any further without having God move supernaturally to strengthen his faith (knees). His carnal mind starts to say within, that if he was just supernaturally stirred, it would cause him to get up and to run the race of life in great power. This is the greatest lie that the enemy can use with man. Because, most of the time, God will not move. Not because He doesn’t want too or He is a bad God, but because Christ has already been given within to partner with man to walk a supernatural overcoming life. If God does move at times for man in this situation, it is only to jump start us to walk on our own with the power that He has given us already. Man has been given the supernatural ability to run the race and not grow weary. He has within himself God’s power to rise up, strengthen his feeble knees (faith) and run. Once man decides to believe that greater is He within himself than he that is in the world, he begins to wake up to the old ancient power called, “Christ in us,” running and never fainting within his mind. He then will become “The” movements of God on the earth as it is in heaven. This type of walk will cause God to come and manifest Himself. If man walks as God on the earth as He is in heaven, God will come, appear, and confirm Himself on the earth. He has too. As He did with Jesus, He will do with man as well.
Let’s not lay there and listen to the carnal mind and wait for God to stir like the man did at the pool of Bethesda in John 5. Hear the Spirit or word of God say to us as he spoke through Jesus, “Rise up, take up your bed and walk.” In other words, what Jesus was really trying to say to man – “Stop waiting and walk! You have the faith within to believe in Me and in what I have given you from the foundation of the world!” “Run and not be weary!” “You can do it as I did!” He is calling out, “Man!” “You can do greater things than I did!”
Strengthen your feeble knees and believe again! You are He on earth as He is in Heaven! Just believe and you will see!