Ministry or work is a tributary of our destiny. Our true calling is loving God and people with all of our heart, soul, and mind. This is the greatest work of all. If man aligns this principle in the right order with God and his life, it will destroy everything the enemy has done to man, dating back to the garden. Ministry or work is our vocation, not our true calling. If man places ministry or work first, he builds his place upon the sand and loses the foundation or cornerstone, that truly supports His life – Love or Jesus. Then when the storms come, his life crumbles, because his identity or investments were in His vocation and not in Christ. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a vocation. It’s absolutely imperative that man has a wonderful career. Yet, vocation is a vehicle that carries us to people or a culture that may have never encountered the love of God nor will they ever step into a church. When the Father loved the world, out of Him came ministry or works, which was the release of His Son to us on the earth. To a people that had never encountered Love, nor would ever step into God’s temple. Then Jesus walked among us and pointed us back to the true order of life, by shadowing Love for years. Jesus Loved God and people with all His heart, soul, and mind to the point of even death. If the enemy can keep us loving God and people as a secondary thought, then He can keep us from tasting the true powers of the age that our ancestors had gotten to taste. Remember, in all that you do, do it unto God. Walk in the fullness of His power! Luke 10:25-37