I want to apologize for not getting the update on our Ukraine Spirit School out sooner. My grandmother died right after I came back from Ukraine. When I returned home, a couple of my cousins and I flew to Rogers, Arkansas to help my two aunts with the situation. I have just recently gotten back from the funeral and am now in the process of catching up on things that have fallen behind in the ministry.
On April 24th- 25th, we graduated 350 students that attended our Spirit School in Kiev, Ukraine. It was wonderful! We began with worship before we started the graduation ceremony. The Lord’s presence showed up and people started dancing everywhere including Randy Strombeck and me. We both jumped up on the stage and began to dance and prophetically declare what God was going to do with all of us and in the region. It was a great time. I have posted pictures and some video for your viewing so that you can get a better picture of what we do and who we minister to.
This year has been a great and prosperous year for the Spirit School. I think we will be all amazed at how much ground we have taken. There are two particular teachings and times that were highlighted to me when we specifically started taking spiritual ground from the enemy:
1. The teaching of “Kingdom Business” and being “Kings and Priests” on the earth.
2. The teaching of “Restoring the Fallen”.
After teaching the students in these two areas, instantly strongholds started manifesting within the students of the school. This excited me to go after it even more, because I knew that it was a sign that the Lord was taking ground. When you start taking the enemy’s domain, he will manifest at times through accusation, intimidation, or even anger to try to stop man from taking what is rightly his. We can see this example in 1 Samuel 17. Israel was about to take ground from the Philistines. Goliath (which represents the accuser of the brethren) came from the camp of the enemy and started to accuse the army of the Most High. The power of the accusations coming from Goliath’s mouth caused the army of God to enter into fear and they stopped engaging the enemy. This example happens continually with those who have been called by God to take back spiritual or natural territories that have been stolen by the devil.
Any time we start taking Satan’s spiritual or natural territory, whether it be our own or another, the enemy will always try to intimidate us to not engage him. Nevertheless, we are called to engage the enemy as David did in 1 Samuel 17:48. It says that when the Philistine arose and drew near to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the battle to meet the Philistine. This is the type of attitude God wants to convey to us. We run to the battle instead of away from it. When strongholds start to manifest in the areas that you are teaching, we should bring it down by continuing to train and equip God’s people on the “real” principles that can help them grow in the spirit instead of backing off and doing nothing. We need to continue to teach even if it means losing our reputation. This is what Jesus did. He went after the enemy’s territory and made Himself of no reputation. If Jesus made Himself of no reputation then we should not be worried about ours. We are called to fight against the enemies of the cross even if it destroys our lives and reputation.
We feel the Lord has given us a mandate to train and equip people in areas of the Kingdom of God and raise up a family that will walk in power in these last days. There are a people that will have power to trample on serpents and scorpions because they are living far above all principalities and powers and rulers of darkness. Darkness will be under their feet instead of in their heads. They will take their rightful inheritance that Jesus gave them through the cross and rule and reign with Him on the earth as He is in the heavens.
There has also been a transition in the leadership of the Spirit School as well. Before I went to Ukraine for the graduation, I was in prayer and felt the Lord tell me that I no longer needed to be the “point man” for the job. It has now been handed over to Randy Strombeck. When I spoke to Randy about him leading the school, he and I and the Holy Spirit felt that it was the right thing to do. A few days after the verbal transition we had several confirmations from the Lord that this was in order of His will. Randy and I are looking forward to what God is going to do in Ukraine in the years to come. Thank you for your support and prayers this year! I hope that you continue to pray and support what this ministry is doing around the world and in this nation. If you are interested in supporting us, you can find all the information you need on our website.