Luke 5:12-14 – And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”
Then He put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him.
It’s amazing, the King of the Universe was willing to touch those that man would not touch or associate with. There are many out in this world that have taken the bait of thinking God would never touch their lives with a “Midas” touch because of all the mess they have contracted. They even think that God could never use them the way He uses others, subconsciously believing the reason God uses “the others” is because those people are “good” or “cleaner.”
I am here to tell you from one that was like a “leper” of the world that Jesus is willing to use and touch you with all spiritual and physical blessings. You may not be aware of it, but those that you see walking in spiritual and physical blessings were once a “leper” as well:) Jesus is willing.