Darkness – The Secret Place

Psalms 18:11 says, 11 He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters And thick clouds of the skies.

When a man finds himself in a deep dark place where He feels as though there is no help or hope, His heart opens to a beautiful redemptive God that he has never seen or heard about in the dimension of darkness. He finds that darkness is God’s secret place where He dwells. This we find in Genesis 1 where we see darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering. In the beginning there was darkness and in the end (the cross) , there was darkness. In the beginning everything began from God’s secret place – “Darkness”. The secret place is where God’s prayer closet is hidden. Even though there are few recognize it, its also man’s hidden secret place as well. For when darkness comes upon man it causes him to pray as God did in the beginning and in the end (Cross). With these prayers, a whole new creation begins to be birthed. We can see in Luke 6:12-13, that Jesus also made darkness His prayer closet as well –

Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself.

This is a great prophetic picture of how prayer during the darkest hours calls us to be with God. Today, if you are in a dark place of life don’t allow the enemy to trick you with twisted words to look at your situation through the eyes of fear. You will only see your darkness as the enemies place. Look past the false illusions and see God! He is brooding over you and about to make a whole new creation for you.

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